Employment Brochure

This copy was written for an employment brochure for a Boy Scout summer camp.

Why Choose to work at Camp Whitsett

Meaningful Work

Looking for something to do over the summer? You could take a couple more classes or get a low-level customer service job while living at home. Or, you could spend 2 months living in the beautiful Sequoia National Monument working in the outdoors in a fun job. Even better, jobs at Camp Whitsett are more meaningful than almost any job you could get in your home town. Working with kids to instill in them a love for the outdoors and teaching them how to live the Scout Oath and Law is what every camp staff member does.  Why not spend your summer doing something different than what you do all year?

Life and Work Experience

At Camp Whitsett, you'll gain valuable work experience that can be directly applied to future jobs. Skills that we will help you develop include customer service, effective communication and teamwork. All of these will help you land a job when you get out of school or during the year.

We also have a commitment to the personal mental growth and development of our staff through a program based on leadership and ethics. Working at Camp Whitsett means learning about personal responsibility and dedication to those around you and to a greater good.

Staff Recreation

We understand that while working at camp is fun, it can also be a stressful and tiring experience. For this reason, we have an extensive  schedule of fun and relaxing activities for the staff both during the week and on Saturdays after the campers leave. Scheduled activities include white water rafting, baseball games, movie nights, karaoke and a casino night, plus a beautiful new staff lounge (known as "the Feldman") to relax, watch movies and play games in during your off time.


More than the activities and the meaningfulness of the work that they do, the thing that 90% of returning staff cite as their reason for wanting to come back is the friendships that they'd built with their fellow staff members. Spending a summer living, working and playing with 80 other young men and women means getting to know them and them getting to know you. You will develop close relationships with people you never would have met and maybe never would have gotten to know in another situation. Also, you become a part of a long tradition of exceptional men and women who have been staffing Camp Whitsett for over 60 years.

Serving on Camp Whitsett Staff means being a part of something greater, working toward a greater good.